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不知道为什么(第3/4 页)

最新言情小说小说: 洞房神不好当(1V1 高甜H)给我你的爱中二病也要救世界[偶像星愿]拥有天籁之声的天使以你为名的青春随时发骚体质我想像的健太郎同学昼夜花朵行旅仙帝救世录被他缠上了【H,校园1v1】轻拨你的心弦你是年少的欢喜嘘.都市传说逆命少女与公爵螃蟹贝壳砂柳花星月不及你胖女孩曾经的感情(真实故事)总裁他又凶又冷青春,不言殇

woman. The gifts include: half or one pig, chicken, clothes or fabrics, shoes and socks of the woman's parents, brothers and sisters. All things should be put in place. A big rack should be used to carry them to the woman, so that the woman's onlookers can know what's ing at a glance. If the man's family condition is not good, he will borrow something to put on it to save face, Because all the things that went through the ceremony, except for the food, returned to the man the next day.

The woman should prepare as follows

Put red packets in the quilt, usually two packets, each of which is 40 cents for the bed maker. The big wooden box is full of fruit, peanuts, sweet potato chips, eggs, candy biscuits, and clothes, shoes and socks when you see the man's parents, brothers and sisters in the man's side. In addition, the parents also need to give the daughter some box money (hundreds to thousands depending on the conditions). Because after marryi




